Diamond Laser Inscriptions: What Every Proposer Must Know!

By Gary A.

Edited by Brian M.

Published Aug 8, 2024

Edited on Oct 16, 2024

A lot of diamonds on the market today feature tiny, insivislbe-to-the-naked-eye laser inscriptions identifying who graded them, where they came from, and, sometimes, who they belong to…

Navigate This Guide:

  • Introduction to Diamond Laser Inscription
  • 7 Practical Tips
  • Why Laser Inscriptions Matter
  • Deciphering the Inscription
  • The Impact on Diamond Value 
  • Conclusion
  • 10 FAQs

Introduction to Diamond Laser Inscription

Diamonds are formed over hundreds of millions of years. Perfect, brilliant stones that merge miles under the Earth’s surface. It’s no wonder, then, that there’s such an emphasis on keeping them ‘pure’.

When skilled artisans knuckle down to cut a diamond, there’s always a strong focus on retaining the diamond’s structure – only refining it to impact the sparkle, brilliance and fire that’s already there. 

Over the years, however, the value of diamonds has grown, and the need for identification has grown along with it. This is what brought about diamond laser inscription – a process where a laser beam is used to inscribe a microscopic identification number onto the girdle of the diamond. 

The Evolution of Diamond Marking

Originally, this was done to identify a diamond and prove ownership in the case of theft, but more recently, it has also been used as a personalisation tool. Many individuals in 2024 choose to have personalised messages or symbols lasered onto the diamond – something that expresses their love and commitment or commemorates a special occasion. 

This has sparked plenty of discussion, of course. On the one hand, there are those who believe marking the diamond for security is necessary, and instilling a personal message is a moving, emotional idea. On the other hand, there are those who believe marking a diamond in any way can ruin the aesthetic, detracting from the natural beauty of the stone.

If you’re unsure what camp you fall into, we’re going to look more into the process of laser inscription below, hopefully providing some worthwhile and informative advice on how you should proceed.

Before we dive deeper into the specifics, here are some practical tips to help guide your decision-making process:

7 Practical Tips for Shoppers Thinking About Laser Inscriptions 

  • Tip 1:  Verify the Certification:
  • Always ensure that the diamond comes with a certification from a reputable lab such as the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). This certification will detail the diamond’s specifications and quality.
  • Tip 2:  Check the Laser Inscription:
  • Before purchasing, use a jeweler’s loupe to examine the diamond’s girdle for the laser inscription. This inscription should match the number on the diamond’s certification. If you’re not comfortable doing this yourself, ask the jeweler to show it to you.
  • Tip 3:  Understand the 4 Cs:
  • Familiarize yourself with the four Cs of diamonds: Carat (weight), Cut (how well the diamond is shaped and faceted), Color (how colorless the diamond is), and Clarity (absence of inclusions and blemishes). These factors significantly influence the diamond’s value and appearance. Additionally, understanding the Clarity aspect can help you identify your diamond by its unique inclusions, as each diamond is different and its inclusions can serve as a natural fingerprint.
  • Tip 4:  Beware of Fraudulent Practices:
  • Some jewelers might try to sell diamonds with fake certifications or might swap diamonds during fittings. Always check the laser inscription before and after any adjustments to ensure you’re getting the diamond you paid for.
  • Tip 5:  Ask About Inscription Costs:
  • Some labs charge extra for laser inscriptions. When budgeting for your diamond, ask if the cost of the inscription is included or if it’s an additional fee.
  • Tip 6:  Personalized Inscriptions:
  • If you’re considering a personalized laser inscription (like a special date or message), ensure that it’s done professionally and won’t affect the diamond’s integrity. Also, remember that while personal inscriptions can add sentimental value, they might affect the resale value of the diamond.
  • Tip 7:  Ring Setting and Inscription Visibility:
  • If the laser inscription is important to you, choose a ring setting that doesn’t hide the girdle of the diamond, ensuring the inscription remains visible (under magnification).

Now that you’ve got these practical tips, use Jeweler AI below to find the perfect engagement ring that suits your style and budget:

Why Laser Inscriptions Matter

Not only do they provide a unique identifier for each diamond – which is crucial for tracking its origin – but they also prove ownership and can aid in recovery efforts if the diamond goes missing. If you’ve spent thousands of dollars – or even hundreds of thousands – you will want your diamond to be as protected as possible, and this is the only real way to do it. That, and insurance!

It’s also worth noting that laser inscription – when done properly – should not take away from the aesthetic appeal of the diamond. The inscription is made by etching the diamond’s surface to make a microscopic mark – emphasis on the word ‘microscopic’! This means it can only be seen under magnification, and because of its placement on the narrow rim around the circumference of the stone – where the facets meet – it doesn’t interfere with the diamond’s brilliance or beauty.

How Laser Inscription Works

While it might seem like sacrilege to engrave anything onto a diamond, the laser inscription of a diamond is a precise and controlled process that only adds a microscopic identifier. It starts with a good clean. Before the inscription takes place, the diamond is swabbed thoroughly to remove any dirt, oils, or residues that could interfere with the laser. It is then placed into a special holding device to ensure stability. 

Once this is done, the desired inscription is programmed into a computer system – allowing for precise control over the size, depth, and position of the laser – and the etching begins. The intense heat from the laser causes localised ablation of the diamond material, creating a mark in the shape of the programmed inscription, and the result is then inspected for any imperfections or errors. 

The diamond then goes through another cleaning process and the process is over – a simple but effective way to put a unique stamp on a valuable, sought-after stone.

The GIA’s Pivotal Role

The GIA also has a part to play, in establishing industry standards and guidelines for diamond laser engravers. The standards cover everything from placement, format, content, and quality assurance.  For those involved in the diamond field – including cutters, jewelers, appraisers, and gemologists – it also provides education and training programs, making sure every level of laser inscription is understood and quality implementation is regularly carried out. 

This, along with regular research and development aimed at advancing inscription technology, ensures that the inscription industry continues to meet the highest standards of accuracy and durability – hopefully instilling some confidence in you that your stone is not going to be ruined!

Deciphering the Inscription

Of course, we’ve talked predominantly about identification inscriptions here, but as mentioned before, there are plenty of diamond shoppers who choose to inscribe personalised messages. 

Because it’s so difficult to discern one diamond – of the same carat – from another, many people want to inscribe an additional touch: an emotional message of love, a date, a name, or a symbol. While these can’t typically be seen by the naked eye, simply knowing that a heartfelt message is there on the diamond can hold sentimental value for the wearer, making it uniquely their diamond, and no one else’s.

Tools for Viewing Inscriptions

In terms of how you can see these messages, there are various tools used in the industry. The most common include loupe magnifiers, microscopes, and laser inscription readers. For professionals, the process of interpretation can be a little difficult. Inscriptions often involve alphanumeric characters or serial numbers, and these will often correspond to specific grading reports, or involve date or logo metadata. This is why the GIA guidelines are so important to ensure accurate interpretation and documentation. 

When it comes to wearers, however, there are a variety of handheld magnifying tools designed specifically for home use. These include smartphone apps like GemLightBox, Loupe, and Diamond Viewer, which can be downloaded to magnify a specific area and make it more viewable – all you have to do is aim your smartphone camera at the inscription, adjust the contrast and brightness, and in a matter of seconds it becomes readable. 

The Impact on Diamond Value

Now to go onto a very important point: diamond value. As mentioned previously, the more valuable a diamond is, the more crucial it is for it to be identified – but does engraving the diamond actually lessen the value of the diamond itself? Well, no. At least, not significantly. While a personalised message might decrease a diamond’s value, laser inscription does not typically affect the price – with value primarily determined by factors like cut, clarity, color, and carat weight, as well as market demand and current trends. On the contrary, for some buyers, the presence of a laser inscription might enhance the perceived value of a diamond, as it proves it has additional security, authenticity, and certification. 

Inscription Costs and Considerations

The cost for you might similarly increase, although it does depend on several factors, including the complexity of the inscription, the size and quality of the diamond – it always comes back to those four Cs! – and the expertise of the engraver. On average, the cost of a basic inscription – a serial number or certification code – will range between $50 to $200. But this might go up if you’re going for a more intricate inscription like a personalised message or a symbol, or if your diamond has a larger carat with higher quality grades. In terms of personal inscriptions, this typically ranges from $100 to $300.

Personalised Inscriptions: Yay or Nay?

When it comes to the cost, $100 to $300 is just a drop in the ocean compared to the diamond itself, especially if you’re going for a larger carat with some high grading. So bypassing the cost, is a personalised inscription really worth it? This one is down to you and your own preferences. There are many people who would appreciate having a diamond engraved with something meaningful, but for others, the diamond itself is more than enough of a meaningful gesture.

It’s worth noting that every diamond is unique, so you wouldn’t need an inscription to verify that. Really, we’d recommend speaking to your SO and asking their opinion – an engraving cannot be undone, so if they’re not keen on it, that might be a highly expensive diamond tainted. However, if you want an inscription for security purposes, we’d advise going ahead with it if you want an extra layer of protection. 


Diamond laser inscriptions are undoubtedly a step in the right direction, especially considering the value behind diamonds and the loss that can occur should a theft take place – or if you lose it! When it comes to personalised inscriptions, the ‘worth it’ factor can be a little more debatable, but for some, they’re a perfect cherry on top that not only means something emotionally but acts as an authentic, identifiable stamp on a highly valuable asset. If you’re thinking of getting either a certification or a personalised message on your diamond, make sure you do your research and always choose a reputable, professional engraver who will ensure the inscription is well placed and none of the sparkle is lost. 

10 FAQs on Diamond Laser Inscriptions

  • Q: What is a diamond laser inscription?
  • A: A diamond laser inscription is a microscopic marking etched onto the girdle of a diamond using a precise laser beam. It can include the diamond’s certification number, personal messages, or symbols.
  • Q: Can the laser inscription on a diamond be seen with the naked eye? 
  • A: No, the inscription is microscopic and can only be seen with a jeweler’s loupe or microscope.
  • Q: Does laser inscription affect the quality of a diamond?
  • A: No, laser inscriptions do not change the color, clarity, or any other quality aspect of the diamond. They are considered a non-invasive way to mark a diamond.
  • Q: Why is laser inscription important?
  • A: Laser inscription provides an easy way to identify and verify a diamond’s authenticity and ownership. It’s particularly useful for insurance purposes and for personal security.
  • Q: Can any diamond be laser inscribed?
  • A: Yes, most diamonds can be laser inscribed, provided there is enough space on the girdle. However, the process should be done by professionals to avoid any potential damage.
  • Q: How can I check the laser inscription on my diamond?
  • A: You can check the laser inscription by using a jeweler’s loupe or microscope. Jewelers can also assist in showing you the inscription.
  • Q: Is it possible to remove or alter a laser inscription on a diamond?
  • While it’s technically possible to polish off a laser inscription, doing so requires removing a tiny layer of the diamond’s surface, which could slightly alter its weight. It’s not a recommended practice unless absolutely necessary.
  • Q: Do all certified diamonds come with a laser inscription?
  • A: Not all, but many certified diamonds, especially those certified by reputable labs like the GIA, come with a laser inscription for added security and identification.
  • Q: Can I customize the laser inscription on my diamond?
  • A: Yes, many jewelers and certification labs offer customized laser inscriptions, allowing you to add a personal message, date, or symbol alongside or instead of the certification number.
  • Q: Does laser inscribing a diamond cost extra?
  • A: It can, depending on the jeweler or certification lab. Some include it as part of the certification process, while others may charge an additional fee for custom inscriptions.

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