What You Didn’t Know About I Color Diamonds

By Gary A.

Edited by Brian M.

Published Jul 18, 2022

Edited on Oct 8, 2024

For those seeking a balance between value and beauty, I Color Diamonds offer an excellent choice, blending affordability with a near-colorless appearance that can still shine brilliantly in any setting.

Navigate This Guide:

  • Introduction
  • 8 Practical Tips for Buying an I Color Diamond Engagement Ring 
  • The Basics
  • Quality and Aesthetics of I Color Diamonds
  • The Impact of Cut and Shape
  • I Color Diamond Ring Cost Considerations
  • Conclusion
  • 10 FAQs


Most first-time diamond shoppers will agree with the idea that there is way more to a diamond than what meets the eye.

In the past, you’ve likely encountered diamonds after they’ve already been set within a ring – meaning that, when you decide to start looking into the idea of purchasing an engagement ring for your own partner, it’s all too easy to jump forward a couple steps and start thinking about the completed article.

And, while it’s great to look ahead and get your own vision for the ring straight in your head, there are a few things you need to understand before you can make a good investment in your diamond.

Before we dive deeper into the specifics, here are some practical tips to help guide your decision-making process:

8 Practical Tips for Buying an I Color Diamond Engagement Ring 

  • Tip 1: Understanding the I Color Grade: Recognize that I color diamonds are near the lower end of the near-colorless range. They may exhibit a slight yellow tint, especially when compared to higher grades. 
  • Tip 2: Setting and Metal Choices: Choose a setting and metal that complements the I color grade. Warmer-toned metals like yellow or rose gold can mask the diamond’s color, making it appear whiter. 
  • Tip 3: Size and Shape Considerations: The size and shape of the diamond can influence its appearance. Larger diamonds may show more color, so consider this when choosing carat size. Shapes like round or princess cuts can hide color better than others. 
  • Tip 4: Examining Side-by-Side Comparisons: Compare I color diamonds side by side with other color grades. This comparison can help you understand the subtle color differences and decide what is acceptable for your preference and budget. Comparing diamonds should be on a folded white paper, while the diamonds are placed on the table that the view is from the side. 
  • Tip 5: Evaluating Under Different Light Conditions: Observe the diamond under various lighting conditions. Different lights can accentuate or hide the color in a diamond, giving you a better sense of its true appearance. 
  • Tip 6: Considering Fluorescence: Look for diamonds with faint or medium fluorescence. This can sometimes counteract the yellow tint in an I color diamond, making it appear whiter. 
  • Tip 7: Focus on Cut Quality: Prioritize excellent or very good cut grades. A well-cut diamond can enhance brilliance and fire, which can detract from any slight coloration and make the diamond appear more vibrant.
  • Tip 8: Assessing Personal Preferences Ultimately, the choice should align with personal preferences. Some may find the warmer tones of an I color diamond more appealing, especially if it allows for a larger stone or more intricate setting within the same 

Now that you’ve got these practical tips, use Jeweler AI below to find the perfect engagement ring that suits your style and budget:

The Basics of I Color Diamonds

There’s very little variance between one color grade and the next. At first, this can seem like an added complication – how are you supposed to know which one is the better choice if you can’t spot any difference between them, right? But, in time, you’ll realize that this can be used to your benefit, provided you understand the basics of diamond color…

Understanding the Four Cs: Focus on Color

You likely already know that Color represents one of the Four Cs – or, in other words, the four most important features anyone shopping for a diamond needs to consider, not only in order to get a beautiful stone, but also to make sure that they’re getting the very best diamond they can with their price range.

Like clarity and cut, color is graded according to a scale devised by the GIA. While other institutions have created their own methods for grading color, the GIA’s is the most consistent and precise – meaning it is the most widespread, and the one you should get your head around.

The GIA color scale allows you to quickly understand how close to (or how far from) colorless your diamond is, with diamonds lower on the scale featuring that discernible yellow or brown tint that makes some stones such poor choices for jewelry.

The color scale runs from D color diamonds through to Z diamonds – or, alternatively, from diamonds that are totally colorless and clear through to diamonds that appear unmistakably yellow under normal lighting:

ColorlessNear ColorlessFaintVery LightLight
D, E, FG, H, I, JK, L, MN, O, P, QS, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

I Color Diamonds in the 4Cs Framework

I is the sixth color grade from the top and is given during a close inspection from expert diamond graders using the GIA’s color scale.

As you can see from the scale above, the I color grade falls in the sixth position from the top – and within a category known as Near Colorless.

At first glance, it can look a pretty long way from the top. After all, as a first-time shopper it’s pretty easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you’ve got to cling to those top two or three grades just to avoid presenting your future bride with a butter-yellow diamond.

But there is more to this category than means the eye – and an I diamond could be your ideal match…

Quality and Aesthetics of I Color Diamonds

Most of the time, no. In some diamonds, color is a little easier to spot when the stone is viewed from the side, rather than from above but, in many I color diamonds, you’d still have a hard time spotting any yellow from any angle.

Diamond color is graded by experts – experts who have lighting and tools optimized for identifying the presence of color within a diamond. Not only that, but the color scale features twenty-three separate grades, meaning that you have to pass through quite a few grades before you start to notice the color for yourself, under normal lighting conditions and without magnification.

oval diamond I color
I color 3 carat Oval diamond

Then again, every diamond is unique and, in some cases, yellow will be noticeable in an I color diamond. As a newcomer to the diamond world, you might struggle to see it for yourself. This is why it is important you turn to a trusted online source. At, for instance, we take every diamond through a thorough examination before deciding whether or not to list it on our site – something a lot of our competitors don’t do.

Visual Characteristics of I Color Diamonds

A lot of I color diamonds will appear clear, and their yellow tint will only be visible under ideal lighting conditions – and possibly magnification.

Most first-time diamond shoppers begin researching the Four Cs with a view to picking a definitive ‘sweet spot’ but, the trouble is, that sweet spot is different for everyone – and every diamond.

If you’ve already done your research on clarity, then you’re no doubt aware of the fact that, while some people will be able to find a great diamond at either the SI1 or SI2 clarity grades, others will need to aim a little higher in order to ensure that they get an eye clean diamond.

Why? Because the size and shape of the diamond will influence whether or not a grade of, say, SI1 leads to an eye clean diamond, or one that is visibly included.

But, as we mentioned before, plenty of I color diamonds out there won’t feature any noticeable yellow tint – proof that you don’t need to invest thousands into a Colorless diamond grade.

Light Performance (Sparkle) 

No amount of color will impact a diamond’s sparkle. Only a poor cut, major inclusions (such as clouds) or very strong fluorescence will impact light performance.

You can (and should) read more about ideal cut diamond proportions before you start, and brush up on your understanding of diamond fluorescence, too. Cloudy or poorly proportioned diamonds (such as those with too large a table, or too shallow a cut) will suffer from an impaired sparkle, and will let down the appearance of an otherwise beautiful engagement ring.

But, until you feel confident with these subjects, keep in mind that color is not something that affects light performance. It does, however, hold the potential to impact the beauty of the diamond, regardless of sparkle.

Comparing I Color With Other DIamonds Grades

On paper, G is the better choice than I. These diamonds will feature less color since the G grade sits on the cusp of Colorless and Near Colorless diamonds.

Put it this way: if you had to pick one color grade to shop from, then it’s only natural that the G diamonds on the market right now will be less likely to yield a stone with visible color. Yes, most I color diamonds appear clear, but G color diamonds more so.

Fortunately, however, we don’t need to settle on one color grade – not until we’ve hit upon the diamond we’re happy to invest in.

With that in mind, there are plenty of instances where I color diamonds are the better choice. Provided the color does not infringe on the diamond’s appearance under normal conditions, then shoppers could save hundreds of dollars by opting for an I color diamond instead.

I is a safer choice than J, although, being a Near Colorless grade, there’s still plenty of scope for finding a beautiful diamond at a reasonable price. Never go beyond the Near Colorless grades as even K or L risks a discolored looking stone.

The Impact of Cut and Shape on I Color Diamonds

Certain shapes will lend you a little more freedom than others when it comes to finding your own ‘sweet spot’ on the color scale – and it’s pretty important you keep this in mind going forward.The Cushion Cut is known for retaining color more than other cuts – in other words, a Cushion cut diamond is more likely to appear yellow than another diamond with a different cut but a similar color grade. 

The Round Brilliant is, once again, the most popular choice for disguising color. 

I Color Diamond Ring Cost Considerations

You’ve probably caught onto the idea by now that the I color grade can be a great place to find an excellent deal. After all, there’s a lot more to a diamond than what you can see – but, thankfully, it’s way more important to invest in what you see, rather than what’s printed within its report.

Balancing Quality and Budget

The cost will depend entirely on carat weight, clarity and cut, but it’s good to keep in mind that I grade diamonds can cost thousands of dollars less than diamonds from the Colorless color category, and will offer some of the most affordable choices from the Near Colorless diamonds out there.

I diamonds sit at the lower end of the Near Colorless group, with only J color diamonds between them and the ‘Faint’ color range (K, L, and M). Opting for a J diamond will shave a little more off the cost, but at a slightly greater risk of some visible color.

The best advice we can give you is to keep an open mind and keep the fact that visually colorless diamonds are available at a great price at this color grade at the front of your mind.

I Color Diamonds in Engagement Rings

An I color diamond could be a great choice, as, provided it’s eye clean, it means you could afford a slightly bigger diamond.

We’re not going to say that every I color diamond on the market today represents an excellent opportunity for you. For starters, some I color diamonds are poorly cut, visibly included or high in fluorescence. What’s more, some I color diamonds are just too yellow in appearance to look beautiful in an engagement ring.

An I color diamond can be worth it.

If you’re keen to stick to the lower end of the Near Colorless category, then it can be helpful to understand how the ring setting can complement a very lightly tinted diamond and make it appear clearer.

Here, contrast will be your friend. Gold and rose gold will look way warmer in tone than a Nearly Colorless diamond, meaning that any vague sense of yellow will be way harder to spot than it would be if that same diamond was contrasted against the stark, bright shine of a platinum setting.

Nevertheless, if your bride-to-be wears nothing but silver, platinum, and white gold, then a diamond with a vague though discernible tint is not worth it.

round cut diamond double halo pave engagemnet ring

Why I Color Diamonds Are Perfect for Engagement Rings

Any of the Near Colorless grades are capable of offering plenty of choice for those looking to purchase a diamond with no visible yellow tint, without having to pay the premium costs that are attached to diamonds belonging to the Colorless grades.

There is a very good reason why I and J color diamonds have not taken over the diamond market, however, and that’s because plenty of shoppers will still struggle to find the ideal diamond at this grade.

Whether they’re aiming for a larger diamond or one that features one of the less forgiving shapes – or, of course, an engagement ring that celebrates the stark, bright glow of platinum, and can’t afford to create any contrast between the metal and their chosen diamond – an I color grade could throw more curveballs than its worth.


I color diamonds are a great choice – some of the time. There are plenty of beautiful I color diamonds on the market today that will appear Near Colorless and, once set within a complementary ring setting, appear totally eye clean under ordinary lighting.

Then again, they’re not the best choice for everyone. If you find one you’re drawn to, then don’t be deterred just because it has a lower color grade. Provided you don’t go too far down the scale, it’s unlikely you’ll notice any drop in quality. 

10 FAQs

  • Q: What is an I color diamond? 
    A: An I color diamond falls in the near-colorless range of the GIA color scale, exhibiting slight color visible mainly to professionals or under certain lighting conditions.
  • Q: Are I color diamonds visibly yellow? 
    A: To the untrained eye, I color diamonds generally appear colorless. However, under close inspection or next to higher color grade diamonds, a slight yellow tint may be noticeable.
  • Q: Do I color diamonds sparkle less? 
    A: Sparkle primarily depends on the cut quality rather than color. An excellently cut I color diamond can exhibit brilliant sparkle and fire.
  • Q: Is an I color diamond a good choice for an engagement ring? 
    A: Yes, I color diamonds are an excellent choice for engagement rings, offering a balance between aesthetic appeal and affordability.
  • Q: How does setting affect the appearance of an I color diamond? 
    A: The metal color can influence the diamond’s appearance. For instance, white gold or platinum settings can accentuate the diamond’s brightness, while yellow gold may complement its slight warmth.
  • Q: Are I color diamonds rare? 
    A: I color diamonds are less rare than colorless diamonds but still offer a unique and beautiful option for fine jewelry, including engagement rings.
  • Q: How should I choose between an I color and a higher color grade diamond? 
    A: Consider your personal preference, budget, and setting style. If color is less of a priority and budget is a concern, an I color diamond is a great choice.
  • Q: Can the yellow tint in I color diamonds be hidden? 
    A: Yes, choosing the right cut, setting, and shape can minimize the perception of color in I color diamonds.
  • Q: Does fluorescence affect the appearance of I color diamonds? 
    A: Fluorescence can sometimes make I color diamonds appear whiter under certain lighting conditions, but it varies from stone to stone.
  • Q: What is the best metal setting for an I color diamond?
    A: While personal preference plays a role, white gold or platinum settings are typically recommended to enhance the diamond’s colorless appearance.