H Color Diamonds: The Ins And Outs

By Gary A.

Edited by Brian M.

Published Sep 24, 2021

Edited on Oct 8, 2024

H color diamonds strike the perfect balance between brilliance and affordability, offering a near-colorless sparkle that complements any engagement ring without the premium price tag. Dive into our comprehensive guide on how to examine and choose the best H color diamond for your perfect ring.

Navigate This Guide:

  • Introduction
  • 8 Practical Tips for Examining H Color Diamonds in Engagement Rings 
  • The Basics
  • Comparison with Other Color Grades
  • Assessing Quality and Appearance
  • Pricing and Value
  • H Color Diamonds in Engagement Rings
  • Conclusion
  • 10 FAQs


One of the things that makes diamonds so appealing to us, aside from their incredible sparkle, is the fact that something so perfect could be formed so many miles underground – and over the course of so many billions of years – and under conditions as inhospitable and ferocious as they are deep down in the earth’s mantle.

However, most diamonds are actually a pretty long way from perfection – although you wouldn’t always know it to look at them.

Aside from a very small (and very valuable) handful of diamonds, these stones feature internal cracks, crystals, and marks – and trace amounts of other substances which negatively impact their appearance, whether this happens on the microscopic level, or in a way that we can all see without special equipment.

This certainly works in our favor when we’re shopping, since truly flawless diamonds are incredibly valuable – and far too valuable for most of us to consider choosing for our engagement rings unless we’re working with a bottomless budget.

Understanding how to pick a diamond with just the right kind of faults and flaws is not always straightforward, but it’s absolutely possible – and, in all likelihood, not quite as tricky as you expect. Whether you’re thinking about clarity or color, there are always choices.

Before we dive deeper into the specifics, here are some practical tips to help guide your decision-making process:

8 Practical Tips for Examining H Color Diamonds in Engagement Rings 

  • Tip 1: Understanding the H Color Grade: Grasping what an H color diamond represents is the first step. These diamonds are considered near-colorless, but they can have a faint yellow hue, especially when compared side by side with more colorless grades. 
  • Tip 2: Check the Diamond Under Various Lighting Conditions: Observe the diamond in different lighting conditions. An H color diamond might appear differently under the bright lights of a jewelry store compared to natural daylight. This helps in assessing the true color and how it might look in everyday settings. 
  • Tip 3: Pay Attention to Cut Quality: The cut of a diamond greatly influences its appearance. A well-cut H color diamond can appear more colorless and vibrant, especially in cuts that enhance brilliance, like the round or princess cuts. 
  • Tip 4: Metal Choice Influences Perception: The choice of metal for the ring setting can affect how the diamond’s color is perceived. H color diamonds can look more colorless against white gold or platinum, while yellow gold might accentuate its warmth. 
  • Tip 5: Compare Side by Side: If possible, compare the H color diamond with diamonds of different color grades. This comparison can give you a better understanding of where it stands in terms of color and can help in making a more informed decision. Comparing diamonds should be on a folded white paper, while the diamonds are placed on the table that the view is from the side 
  • Tip 6: Examine the Size Impact: Remember that the larger the diamond, the more noticeable its color may be. In larger H color diamonds, the slight yellow tint might be more apparent than in smaller stones. 
  • Tip 7: Consider Diamond Shape: Different shapes can accentuate or hide the color in a diamond. For H color diamonds, shapes with more facets, like round or oval cuts, can help mask the slight color. 
  • Tip 8: Understand Fluorescence Effects: Some H color diamonds may exhibit fluorescence, which can make them appear whiter in certain lights. However, strong fluorescence can sometimes produce a hazy appearance, so it’s important to observe this aspect.

Now that you’ve got these practical tips, use Jeweler AI below to find the perfect engagement ring that suits your style and budget:

The Basics of the H Color Diamond

Chances are, you’ve come here looking for a clear diamond for your engagement ring – though you might still be new to the idea that the world of diamonds is not divided into two separate categories, with one for clear diamonds and the other for fancy color diamonds. This is one of the most important things first-time shoppers learn since it will help them to avoid disappointment after the ring has been made: even clear diamonds have color.

What is H Quality Diamond?

H is one of the color grades used by the GIA to demonstrate how close to (or, alternatively, how far from) colorless a diamond is, with very minor variations between each consecutive grade.

Almost all clear diamonds feature some ‘color’ – a yellow or brownish tint caused by the presence of a very small amount of nitrogen, which is an entirely natural occurrence that takes place during the part of the diamond’s life cycle that takes part deep underground. It cannot be removed or ‘fixed’, and can be so mild as to only be visible under strong magnification and specialized lighting.

It can also be mild enough that, when it has been mounted within a ring setting and placed on the finger, it’s totally unnoticeable.

It can, however, be strong enough to be clearly visible within the diamond, and, as a result, to totally undermine an otherwise beautiful stone or piece of jewelry.

This is why the color scale is so important. As you can see below, the difference between diamonds that are totally free from color, and those that are way down at the far end of the scale, is pretty clear to see:

Diagram by the GIA

The scale begins at D, meaning that the H color grade is the fifth in the scale – and a part of a category of diamonds referred to as ‘Near Colorless’.

The Allure of H Color Diamonds 

An H color diamond sits in a great position between grades that afford an extremely high price on the market, and grades that will bring down the beauty of your ring.

Color is seen as a highly undesirable trait in clear diamonds. Sure, plenty of people – celebrities in particular – enjoy the bright or subtle pinks, blues, reds, oranges, and greens of fancy colored diamonds, but those are graded according to entirely different scales – and are definitely something of an acquired taste in engagement rings.

So, for most of us, everything rests on the clear diamond.

Unfortunately, most diamonds fall short of the very highest color grades. A little yellow tint within clear diamonds is incredibly common, which means that the very rarest stones – those with no color at all – are worth thousands of dollars more to collectors.

Fortunately, there are a few grades that separate the totally clear diamonds from those that are yellow enough to actually appear yellow to the naked (and untrained) eye – and H is one of them.

H is just two grades away from the Colorless grades, which means that, while these diamonds definitely feature some color, it will be far too subtle to impact on the diamond’s beauty outside of the lab.

Comparison With Other Color Grades

H vs I Color Diamonds

H is slightly clearer than I according to the GIA’s color scale, although the difference between them is not something you would be able to spot without the proper equipment.

Is there any real difference between the two? Yes, and one that is tangible enough for expert graders to recognize. Is there any visual difference between the two, provided you’re away from the bright lights of the lab and the strong magnification tools used by the graders? Not one that any of us would be able to spot.

Even under magnification, the average shopper would struggle to spot the difference – unless you were shown an H diamond alongside one with a much higher color grade.

As a result, I diamonds will be a little more affordable than H diamonds – provided, of course, that they are of otherwise comparable quality in terms of cut and clarity, and the same carat weight. The difference will likely be a few hundred dollars, meaning that both of these color grades are great ones to watch if you’re looking to get the best diamond within your price point.

H vs G Color Diamonds

The difference here is only marginal. 

Most diamond shoppers, after they’ve done their research on the Four Cs, will make the decision to focus on the Near Colorless range of color grades. There, you’ll not only find more choice (since colorless diamonds are a rarity), but you’ll also get a lot more value for your investment, since you won’t be paying for features that are invisible to the naked eye.

So, in theory, that makes the G grade – the highest of the Near Colorless grades – an ideal spot to aim for, right?

In a sense, yes. G color diamonds will be the clearest of all the diamonds in this category, and sticking to this grade pretty much guarantees you a diamond that appears totally clear, however big it is – or whatever shape.

Still, as the ‘best’ Near Colorless grade, G diamonds enjoy a premium price of their own – although nowhere near as high as a Colorless diamond.

As a result, however, it can pay to keep an open mind and look at diamonds with color grades of H and I, too. That way, you can ensure you’re maximizing your investment in this area.

Assessing Quality and Appearance

H is a strong choice. More reasonably priced than a G diamond, but still with a high chance of appearing colorless. Still, make sure you research how the shape and size of your diamond can impact the presence of color.

Provided clarity and cut are comparable, you won’t notice any difference in sparkle between an H and a D diamond unless those diamonds differ in cut quality – or shape. A diamond’s depth and table, for instance, matter a lot more than color when it comes to sparkle.

What’s more, there are diamond cuts that sparkle more than others. An Excellent cut D color Emerald diamond won’t sparkle quite like an Excellent cut H color Round diamond, since the round cut enjoys the ideal facet-structure and proportions to create a truly spectacular light performance, even if it does feature a little more color than the Emerald cut.

Influence of Cut and Shape on Color Perception

A shopper looking at 1 carat Round diamonds could have a pretty easy time finding a great stone in the H color grade, while a shopper looking at 1 carat Emerald diamonds could have a much tougher time, despite the fact that the diamonds they’re looking at have been graded the same.

As you’ve probably guessed, then, Round diamonds hide color pretty well. The Pear and Marquise cut, however, are a little less forgiving, with both cuts tending to show their color more than the Round cut – particularly toward the sharp points that make them so distinctive.

This is difficult to cover, since most settings are designed to complement the sharp point of the Marquise or Emerald, rather than hide it, but a yellow or rose gold setting can downplay a slightly yellow tint.

An H color grade could still be a great choice unless you’re picking a particularly large diamond.

The Emerald and Radiant cuts, however, tend to reflect color from their centers, making it harder to ‘disguise’ any yellow within the setting. An H color grade can still work, particularly if you’re looking at modestly-sized diamonds – or planning on using a gold setting, rather than platinum.

The Smart Choice: Pricing and Value

Your ideal color grade will allow you to pay for visual quality, rather than invisible quality. So, is an H diamond an affordable grade?

A one carat H color Round diamond could cost anywhere from $4,000 – any less, and you would likely struggle to find an eye clean diamonds.

Diamond prices are a complex subject in their own right since they not only depend on the cut, color, carat weight and clarity of the diamond, but also its fluorescence, whether or not it features hearts and arrows, and its shape, too.

Throw in the fact that price per carat increases with diamond size – for instance, the price per carat of a six carat diamond will be higher than it is for a one carat diamond – and giving you a rough, guideline price for a diamond of any color is pretty difficult.

Instead, it can be helpful to understand quite how much you are able to save by focusing on the H color grade. For starters, dipping down from the Colorless grades can easily save you around 40% on diamonds of the same size, clarity grade and cut quality.

The price difference between a G color and an H color diamond will be smaller, but some fluidity between these two grades is pretty useful when you’re looking for that one perfect diamond.

H Color Diamonds in Engagement Rings

Most shoppers will stick to the H-I range, with some opting to go as high as G. But, as we mentioned above, Near Colorless diamonds are far easier to find, far more cost-effective, and, as a result, far more popular among shoppers. You won’t struggle to find them on the market.

The most popular diamond shape for engagement rings is, of course, still the Round cut. It stands to reason, then, that the H color grade will represent one of the most popular color grades out there, since, for so many shoppers, it offers plenty of choice for beautiful, clear diamonds at a much more affordable price point than Colorless diamonds.

Don’t rule out the H color grade just because you’re interested in two carat diamonds rather than one carat diamonds, or the Emerald cut rather than the Round cut. It goes with the territory that any diamond at this grade will feature some color, but also that each diamond’s appearance outside of the lab is going to be unique.

The Impact of Metal Choice on Diamond Color

A yellow or rose gold setting will inevitably create a slight ‘shadow’ of yellow or pink within the diamond. This is true whether you invest in a D color diamond or an O color diamond. Don’t let this deter you from a colored metal like yellow gold, though – this cast is very attractive, and won’t mean that your H color diamond is confused with a yellow diamond. Then again, it’s a good argument in favor of investing in a lower color grade like I or J. 


It’s not uncommon for first-time diamond shoppers to get so caught up on color that they start to convince themselves it’s obvious, even when they’re looking at a G or H color diamond. Although the color grades are there to help us, a certain amount is left open to interpretation, since we know that some diamond shapes accommodate a little color (without actually showing it) better than others.

The color grades are there to indicate the quality and value of a diamond, but the H color grade is proof that you certainly don’t need to aim for the very top of the color scale just to get a beautiful diamond – and it could be an ideal choice for you, as it is for so many shoppers. 

10 FAQs

  • Q: What is an H Color Diamond? 
  • A: An H color diamond is categorized as near-colorless on the GIA color scale, offering a balance between high-quality appearance and affordability.
  • Q: Can You See Color in an H Color Diamond? 
  • A: To the untrained eye, H color diamonds typically appear colorless, though they may exhibit a slight yellow tint under close inspection or against a white background.
  • Q: Is an H Color Diamond Good for Engagement Rings? 
  • A: Yes, H color diamonds are excellent for engagement rings as they provide a beautiful, nearly colorless look without the premium price of higher color grades.
  • Q: How Does the Metal Setting Affect an H Color Diamond? 
  • A: The metal setting can influence the diamond’s appearance; white gold or platinum settings can enhance the diamond’s colorlessness, while yellow gold may complement its slight warmth.
  • Q: What Diamond Cuts are Best for H Color Diamonds? 
  • A: Brilliant cuts like round, oval, and pear are ideal for H color diamonds as they maximize light reflection and minimize color perception.
  • Q: Are H Color Diamonds Less Expensive than Higher Color Grades? 
  • A: Yes, H color diamonds are generally more affordable than colorless diamonds (D-F grades) while still offering a nearly colorless appearance.
  • Q: How Should I Care for My H Color Diamond? 
  • A: Regular cleaning with a soft brush and mild soap, careful handling to avoid scratches, and periodic check-ups from a professional jeweler are recommended for maintaining an H color diamond’s sparkle.
  • Q: Does Fluorescence Affect the Appearance of H Color Diamonds? 
  • A: Fluorescence can sometimes make H color diamonds appear whiter in ultraviolet light, but it usually has minimal impact on the diamond’s appearance in normal lighting conditions.
  • Q: What Settings are Recommended for H Color Diamonds?
  • A: Solitaire, halo, and side-stone settings are popular choices for H color diamonds, as they can enhance the stone’s brilliance and color.
  • Q: How Do H Color Diamonds Compare to G or I Color Diamonds?
  • A: H color diamonds are a middle ground between G (higher grade, more expensive) and I (lower grade, more visible color) diamonds, offering a blend of quality and value.