Do’s and Don’ts: How to Care and Clean a Diamond Ring

By Gary A.

Edited by Brian M.

Published Aug 17, 2021

Edited on Oct 15, 2024

Regular care and cleaning of your diamond ring is the key to keeping its brilliance intact, ensuring it remains as stunning as the day you first wore it.

Navigate This Guide:

  • Introduction
  • 10 Essential Tips for Caring and Cleaning a Diamond Engagement Ring 
  • Essentials of Diamond Ring Cleaning
  • Routine Check-Ups and Maintenance
  • Wearing and Protecting Your Ring
  • Conclusion
  • 10 FAQs


It usually takes around an hour to an hour and a half – about as much time as it takes for the confetti to settle – for a gnawing fear that this stunning diamond ring is somehow going to get damaged to take hold.

Whether this translates to you walking around like you’re balancing an egg on the back of your hand, ritualistically placing the ring back in its box every time you turn the water on, or attempting to do everything single-handedly – or all of the above – it’s normal to feel a little overprotective at the beginning of your engagement.

It’s important to remember that diamonds are strong. They’re incomparably strong. What’s more, the precious metals used in fine jewelry are also made incredibly strong, so that they will last decades.

Still, even the strongest materials need looking after. Below, we answer all your burning questions about maintaining and caring for a diamond ring. Once you start to build up some healthy habits, you can learn to relax, and simply enjoy the sight of that diamond on your finger. 

Before we dive deeper into the specifics, here are some practical tips to help guide your decision-making process:

10 Essential Tips for Caring and Cleaning a Diamond Engagement Ring 

  • Tip 1: Gentle Cleaning Solution Mild Soap and Warm Water: Use a solution of mild soap and warm water to soak and clean the ring. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage both the diamond and the ring’s setting. 
  • Tip 2: Soft Bristle Brush or Soft Toothbrush: Utilize a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently scrub the diamond and setting. This helps in removing any build-up without scratching the surfaces.
  • Tip 3: Regular Maintenance Checks – Check for Loose Settings: Periodically inspect the ring for any loose settings or prongs to prevent the diamond from falling out. 
  • Tip 4: Avoiding Harsh Chemicals: Keep the ring away from harmful chemicals found in cleaning agents, cosmetics, and hand sanitizers, as they can dull the diamond’s sparkle. 
  • Tip 5: Safe and Proper Storage: Store the diamond ring in a fabric-lined jewelry box or a separate pouch to avoid scratches and damage. 
  • Tip 6: Limited Exposure to Extreme Temperatures: Protect your diamond ring from extreme temperature changes, which can potentially damage both the diamond and the metal. 
  • Tip 7: Professional Ultrasonic Cleaning: Consider professional ultrasonic cleaners for a deep clean, but use cautiously as they can sometimes loosen stones in their settings. 
  • Tip 8: Silk Fabric for Polishing: Use silk to gently polish the diamond. The smooth fibers of silk can enhance the sparkle without risking any abrasion. 
  • Tip 9: Controlled Sunlight Exposure Indirect for Natural Shine: Briefly expose the ring to indirect sunlight to enhance its natural brilliance. Be mindful of the duration to prevent any potential damage to the metal. 
  • Tip 10: Utilizing Soft Dental, Floss and Tools for Precision Cleaning: Employ dental floss picks for precise cleaning around the prongs and under the diamond, ensuring that no residue is left in hard-to-reach areas.

Now that you’ve got these practical tips, use Jeweler AI below to find the perfect engagement ring that suits your style and budget:

A woman delicately cleaning her pear-shaped diamond engagement ring with a soft cloth

Essentials of Diamond Ring Cleaning

Our hands go through a lot each day, which means that there are any number of substances waiting to dull the sparkle of even the brightest diamond.

Home Cleaning Methods

A simple cleaning routine, using only a mild soap designed to strip away greases, is sufficient to maintain your diamond’s natural sparkle.

Soak your ring in warm water, combined with a mild soap, then gently remove any build-up with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

You will also want to avoid bringing your ring into contact with any oily cosmetics. Moisturizers, makeup, tanning oils and sprays, lotions and hair products will all start to accumulate on the surface of your diamond, and around the edges of the setting and band.

Professional Cleaning Techniques

Professional jewelers use an ultrasonic cleaner, which is not something you’ll find in any Target or Walmart.

This cleaner, along with a jeweler’s specialist chemicals, will give your ring a much more thorough clean and doesn’t need to be done all that often – particularly if you’re cleaning it regularly at home.

Still, a professional clean is always a great way to ensure your diamond ring continues to sparkle, and that it’s getting checked over by expert eyes every once in a while. 

round diamond engagement ring with wedding ring

Routine Check-Ups and Maintenance

You should aim to follow your at-home cleaning routine once a week, but won’t need to take your diamond ring for a professional clean more than once or twice a year.

As with most things, it’s better to avoid getting into the habit of waiting for your ring to show signs of grease and dirt before you clean it. Building up a habit of maintaining it once a week will mean that it never begins to lose its luster or show those early signs of wear.

Wearing and Protecting Your Ring

Even the hardest substance on earth could do with a little caution. Diamond rings are designed and built to withstand the test of time, but setting yourself just a few ground rules can make all the difference when it comes to maintaining that sheen and sparkle.

Protecting Your Ring From Damage

Most of the instances in which your engagement ring might get damaged are obvious, but there are some that people don’t know about. Taking a shower, for instance, we would recommend removing your engagement ring.

Not only will the steam and soap increase the likelihood of your ring loosening and falling off, but some soaps might be too abrasive – particularly some of the grainier scrubs and exfoliants.

Safe Practices for Daily Wear

In all likelihood, you can leave your ring on all day – provided you aren’t doing anything that could cause damage. If you have any doubts, however, the best thing to do is to find and talk to a jeweler.

But, if you have a hands-on job, spend your days gardening, spend your days looking after children or animals or, let’s say, rock climb on a regular basis, then these are not safe practices for daily wear, and we’re going to suggest you leave the diamond at home.

Hand Sanitizers and Ring Integrity

Many jewelers agree that, over time and with considerable use, the rubbing alcohol used in hand sanitizers can dull the sheen of precious metals, and build up around the setting (loosening any prongs gradually).

We’re not suggesting you curb your enthusiasm for hygiene. Try to get into the habit of removing your ring during application, and waiting until your hands are dry before you put it back on.

Sleeping With Your Ring On

In an ideal world, you would remove your ring before bed.

For some women, removing their diamond ring at the end of a long day comes as naturally as removing their shoes or makeup. For others, it’s pretty common to get a sort of ‘separation anxiety’, and to want to leave it on as much as possible.

Bear in mind, however, that keeping your ring on through the night is not worth the potential price: waking up to find your ring damaged or bent, or that one of the prongs holding your diamond in place has worked itself loose.

Impact of Lifestyle on Ring Care

We would generally advise against wearing your ring at work – provided you have somewhere secure to store your ring while you exercise.

We will always urge you to avoid exposing your ring to any unnecessary weight – with the most obvious being any weight-training exercises at the gym, or at home. Even an advanced yoga session could put pressure on the band, so err on the side of caution and leave it off.


It’s incredible to think of the extreme conditions required to create a natural diamond. Over billions of years, and under immense pressure, these remarkable gemstones are finally formed and pushed to the earth’s surface.

It can seem a little over-cautious, to some, to practice so much caution when it comes to looking after these strong gemstones but, when you consider the financial and emotional significance at stake, a little care goes a very long way for your peace of mind.

10 FAQs

  • Q: Can I clean my diamond ring with vinegar? 
  • A: Yes, you can use a solution of vinegar and water. Soak the ring briefly and then gently brush with a soft toothbrush. Rinse thoroughly afterward.
  • Q: How often should I clean my diamond engagement ring? 
  • A: It’s recommended to clean your diamond ring every one to two weeks to maintain its brilliance and check for any damage or loose settings.
  • Q: Is it safe to use hand sanitizer while wearing my diamond ring? 
  • A: Frequent use of hand sanitizer can dull the metal and the diamond. It’s safer to remove the ring before applying hand sanitizer.
  • Q: Can I take a shower with my diamond ring on? 
  • A: It’s advisable to remove your diamond ring before showering. Soap and other shower products can build up on the ring and dull its appearance.
  • Q: Should I sleep with my diamond engagement ring on? 
  • A: It’s recommended to remove your diamond ring before sleeping to prevent potential damage to the ring or injury to yourself.
  • Q: How can I safely store my diamond ring? 
  • A: Store your diamond ring in a fabric-lined jewelry box or a soft pouch, ideally in a separate compartment to avoid scratches.
  • Q: Can I wear my diamond ring while doing household chores? 
  • A: It’s better to remove your ring during household chores, especially when dealing with harsh cleaning chemicals or heavy lifting.
  • Q: What is the best way to clean under the diamond in the ring setting? 
  • A: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush or dental floss picks to gently clean under the diamond. Be careful not to apply too much pressure on the setting.
  • Q: Can ultrasonic cleaners damage my diamond ring? 
  • A: Ultrasonic cleaners can sometimes loosen the settings. It’s safe for occasional deep cleaning, but frequent use is not recommended.
  • Q: How do I check for loose settings or damage on my ring? 
  • A: Regularly inspect the prongs and settings by gently shaking the ring near your ear. If you hear a rattling sound or see visible damage, visit a professional jeweler.

Master the art of diamond ring care with JewelerAI – your smart guide to everlasting sparkle!