Engagement Ring Virtual Try-Ons: Find Your Dream Ring from Home!

By Gary A.

Edited by Brian M.

Published Aug 8, 2024

Edited on Oct 16, 2024

Virtual ring try-ons let you preview stunning engagement rings on your hand without leaving home—explore how this tool can make your shopping experience seamless.

Navigate This Guide:

  • Introduction
  • 5 Practical Tips
  • The Revolution in Ring Shopping 
  • Benefits of Virtual Ring Try-On
  • How to Use Virtual Ring Try-On Apps
  • Conclusion
  • 9 FAQs

Online, you can do pretty much anything you can do in real life. When it comes to planning a proposal, you can find a proposal location, your ‘fit, the photographer, and, of course, the ring of her dreams all without leaving the comfort of your couch. At WillYou, we know better than most how to ensure that the online ring-buying experience is as strong as possible. 

Finding a beautiful diamond is a more involved process than a lot of first-time shoppers realize, but, with our JewelerAI, we have overcome the old obstacles and made it possible for shoppers to make a really strong, informed decision, all online.

Then again, our powers have limits. We cannot make it possible for you and your partner to try on the ring and see the diamond in person before you commit. What we can do, however, is what we do best: deploying the most advanced technology to make ring buying a breeze, and ensure you don’t walk away with anything less than the very best. 

A big part of that lies in our virtual ring try-ons…

Before we dive deeper into the specifics, here are some practical tips to help guide your decision-making process:

5 Tips for Buying an Engagement Ring while using Virtual Try-On

  • Tip 1. Verify the Source and Certification:
  • IEnsure the diamond comes with a certification from a reputable lab, such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) or the American Gem Society (AGS).
  • Be aware of the diamond’s origin to ensure it’s ethically sourced.
  • Tip 2. Use Multiple Virtual Try-On Tools:
  • Different tools might offer varied visualizations. Trying multiple platforms can give a more comprehensive view of how the ring might look on your hand.
  • Tip 3. Pay Attention to Ring Size:
  • While virtual try-ons give a visual idea, they don’t provide a feel for the fit. Consider using a virtual ring sizer or ordering a physical ring sizer to ensure the correct size.
  • Tip 4. Be Cautious of Digital Enhancements:
  • Some virtual try-on tools might enhance the shine or brilliance of the diamond for a better online display. Always refer to the diamond’s certification and specifications to get an accurate understanding of its quality.
  • Tip 5. Consider the Setting and Metal Type:
  • While the diamond is central, the setting and metal type can significantly influence the ring’s overall appearance and comfort. Virtual try-ons should allow you to experiment with different combinations.

Now that you’ve got these practical tips, use Jeweler AI below to find the perfect engagement ring that suits your style and budget:

The Revolution in Ring Shopping 

In the past, when shopping from brick-and-mortar jewelry stores was more common, buyers had the advantage of being able to see the ring before buying it. Of course, it was never really as simple as being able to invite your partner into the store to try on the ring and make sure it fit, that the diamond looked right on their finger, and that the design was comfortable… Why? Because, for most people, the engagement ring was always intended to be a surprise. 

After all, it’s very hard to keep a secret proposal secret when your fiancé-to-be is standing right next to you in the jewelry store.

Nevertheless, buyers found a way. Either they would bring a friend or relative into the store with them who could try the ring on instead of their partner, ask the jeweler to model the ring, or they would take a more modern route and ask their partner to be part of the ring buying process.

When everything moved online, things got a little bit more complicated. Although it’s possible to buy almost anything online, some things really do demand more care and thought than others. When it comes to a purchase as unique as a diamond ring, entrusting all that emotional significance to a screen was a little trickier. Still, buying a diamond ring online just makes sense – provided you pick the right site. 

That’s where the virtual try-on becomes even more convenient than a real-life jewelry store. With virtual try-on, buyers could test drive their chosen ring on a few different photos of their partner’s finger, checking the dimensions and the overall look – often, without even giving the game away. So long as you have a picture of your fiancé’s hand somewhere on your phone, you can test the ring

How Virtual Try-On Works 

Trying on a ring virtually is almost as easy as trying on a ring in real life. All you need to make it work is a good, clear photo of your partner’s hand. When you reach our virtual try-on, you simply upload that image and let us do the rest.

Behind the scenes, artificial intelligence will map out the image, and figure out the dimensions so that, when the image of the ring is overlayed, it is proportional. A virtual wouldn’t be useful if it made the diamond look three times bigger than it will look in person, or the band 50% skinnier.

This is why it’s very important to choose a site that invests in its online shopping experience. Some basic virtual try-on models won’t do a very good job of ensuring that the proportions are right, which can really mislead buyers. At WillYou, we like to think of ourselves as being a little (a lot) more advanced than that.

Benefits of Virtual Ring Try-On

There are so many reasons why we’re excited to offer a virtual ring try-on to our customers. Here are just a few…

Convenience at Your Fingertips

There are so many reasons why buying an engagement ring online is better than buying an engagement ring in person. Buying a ring in person means setting aside a substantial amount of time – sometimes across a few different appointments – to go and review your options in person. It means figuring out the world of diamond buying and ring design on the fly, in a busy shop without the benefits of time and privacy on your side.

Buying a ring online is just more convenient. It’s simpler, gives you time to think things through, allows you to learn at your own pace, and gives you space to experiment with different design styles and figure out exactly what it is your partner will want.

Virtual ring try-on just makes things even more convenient. It overcomes the issue of not being able to picture the ring like you can in person, and gives you a new perspective – one that any buyer does need. 

A World of Choices 

There are no limits on how many diamonds you can try on virtually. Online, you tend to get a much bigger range of options to try, and, with the power of virtual try-on, every single one of your options will fit perfectly. You also aren’t limited by opening and closing hours, the length of your lunch break, or how long your shopping buddy can stand looking at diamond after diamond after diamond…

Share and Decide with Ease 

As the old saying goes, ‘It takes a village!’ Well, they might not have been talking about engagement rings when they coined it, but it’s certainly the case that a lot of people are able to offer a useful perspective as you’re narrowing down your choices.

With virtual try-on, you’re not limited by the number of people you can fit in a jewelry store. You can share the image with as many people as you want, to get as many opinions as you want, all without running here, there, and everywhere. 

If you don’t want to be traditional about it, you can also share the image with your partner. They can see how the ring will look on their hand, and help point you in the right direction.

How to Use Virtual Ring Try-On Apps

For all their convenience, using them perfectly may not be second nature. Here’s what you need to know…

  • First, start with a good picture. While you can crop a bigger photo down to zoom in on your partner’s hand, it’s a lot better to provide the virtual try-on with a high-resolution image that captures their hand from a good, clear angle. If you’re trying to keep your ring-buying mission a secret, then getting a clandestine shot of your partner’s hand shouldn’t be too hard – wait for them to take a nap on the couch, pick up a book, or prop their head on their hand. 
  • Next, all you need to do is upload the image to our virtual try-on. With the magic of JewelerAI, we can ensure that the image of the ring is sized according to the image, and provide you with a clear, accurate depiction of how the ring and its diamond will appear on your partner’s finger. 
  • We would recommend you try this step with multiple photos of your partner’s hand from different angles. There may be a minor discrepancy in the proportions from one photo to the next, but doing so will provide you with the most accurate idea possible of how the ring will look.
  • Consider how the diamond in the ring interacts with your partner’s finger. What about the diamond size – does it look as big as you expected it to? Does the width of the band suit the size of their finger? Does the design pop as much as you want and expect it to? It’s not just a simple case of looking and deciding, you really need to ask yourself these questions to ensure you’re making the best choice possible.
  • Try on as many rings as possible. The beauty of doing this all online means you don’t have to worry about taking up too much of the jeweler’s time, so take advantage. Any design that jumps out at you, try it. You might be surprised by what looks at home on your partner’s finger.


Virtual try-on is a real game changer for engagement ring shoppers. If you’re worried about not being able to see the diamond in person, then being able to sample the ring on your partner’s finger is not only a great way to ensure that it’s the right size and shape for them and that the ring design fits their style, but it’s also a great way to take the diamond on a test run without letting the secret slip to your partner.

Make sure you take advantage!

9 Frequently Asked Questions about Virtual Engagement Ring Try-On

  • Q: What is a virtual engagement ring try-on?
  • A: A virtual engagement ring try-on is an online tool that allows you to see how different engagement rings look on your hand using augmented reality (AR) or a simple upload photo feature on your smartphone or computer.
  • Q: How accurate is the virtual ring try-on experience?
  • A: While virtual try-ons provide a close approximation of how a ring will look on your Q: finger, they may not perfectly capture the exact scale or how the light interacts with the diamond. However, they are highly effective for narrowing down styles and preferences.
  • Q: Can I try on rings with different diamond shapes and sizes?
  • A: Yes, most virtual ring try-on tools allow you to experiment with a variety of diamond shapes and sizes, giving you a good idea of what suits your hand the best.
  • Q: Is the virtual try-on service free?
  • A: Yes, the majority of jewelers offer virtual try-on services for free on their websites or through their apps to help you make a more informed decision.
  • Q: Do I need to download an app to use the virtual try-on feature?
  • A: It depends on the jeweler. Some may require you to download their app, while others offer the try-on feature directly on their website without the need for an additional download.
  • Q: Can I save the rings I like during the virtual try-on?
  • A: Yes, many virtual try-on platforms allow you to save or share your favorite styles. You can often email them to yourself or share them on social media for feedback from friends and family.
  • Q: How do I get the best results from a virtual ring try-on?
  • A: For the best results, ensure good lighting and use a high-quality photo of your hand. Follow the specific instructions provided by the virtual try-on tool for positioning your hand correctly.
  • Q: Can I customize a ring using the virtual try-on feature?
  • A: While the primary function of virtual try-on tools is to visualize pre-designed rings on your hand, some platforms may allow you to customize the ring’s metal type or diamond shape before trying it on virtually.
  • Q: Is my privacy protected when using virtual try-on services?
  • A: Reputable jewelers prioritize customer privacy and typically do not store images of your hand without permission. Always check the privacy policy of the virtual try-on service for assurance.

Ready to find ‘The One’? Dive into our Virtual Ring Try-On and discover your perfect match with ease. Start your journey with JewelerAI today!